Introduction to The SDFRC Info Sheet, Xmas 1971


This was the sixth info sheet to be published and was the first magazine that Buster had full editorial control of, although he didn't type it and the address is still that of Pam Bird's father's Newsagents (long since gone); the Avondale Road address only appears in the Radio Recovery section.
It was larger than previous ones which were literally single sheets. It was priced at 5p.
Incidentally we do not have any copies of earlier info sheets, if you have any we would much appreciate a photocopy!

This info sheet was printed on four sheets of white paper, the outside rear being blank (something Buster would not have allowed in later days, he tried to cram as much in as possible!!)
There is no kind of Monitor logo; it's a straightforward typed sheet.


to the first page ...


to the "Monitor Originals" index page ...